Tuesday 6 March 2012



UnReportedNews™® received an email from a close associate to Datuk Sylvester Entri late yesterday evening containing the text-speech which Entri had delivered through his speech during the launching of Saberkas Unit Nabor, Marudi Branch and officiating ceremony of opening the Sungai Entulang Road near Rumah Justine Manai, Sungai Entulang, Bakong on last March 3rd and requested for the speech to be published in UnReportedNews™®.  The email said:

Entri took to task on the allegations by SPDP President against the G5 or SPDP5 of negative politicking at the expense of serving their constituents and such allegations had attracted some of the SPDP Divisions to support the President's remarks to the extent of making it as one of the most important agenda in their Divisional meetings and made a resolution out of it to sack the G5 from the Barisan Nasional (BN) by relingushing their positions in the government or GLCs as they were  piggy-riding on BN.

In his speech at the function at Rumah Justine, Sungai Entulang, Bakong, Entri had also questioned such allegations of negative politicking by SPDP against the G5 as actually in fact pointing fingers on themselves.

The G5 had never made any negative politickings against SPDP while serving their constituents as all along, their movements in their constituencies were in tandem with the spirit and principles of BN in discharging their duties and responsibilities entrusted to them by the BN Government under the leaderships of the Chief Minister of the State Government and the Prime Minister of the Federal Government.

So what sort of piggy-riding on BN are we? he said adding that under these circumstances, how could G5 were accused of piggy-riding on BN as we were entrusted by the BN leaderships and why should SPDP bring up the issue against us if SPDP does not condone negative politickings within BN.

“Our positions in the Government are for us to serve the constituents and the people of Sarawak as well but not because of self-interests as alleged by SPDP. Why SPDP was so adamant to question our positions in the government and GLC, would it mean that they also want the positions in the government by positioning themselves in SPDP and undermining us?”

“Could it mean also that they want positions in SPDP because they also want piggy-riding” in BN?,” said Entri and quoted few instances where SPDP themselves had allegedly conducted negative politickings against BN elected representatives.

“One instance was when SPDP led by its President went to Rumah Henry Gomes, Kampung Mission, Ulu Teru where they had created factions and disunity among the BN supporters who my were strong supporters in the last State election,” he claimed.

Entri claimed that one the objectives which had led Mawan’s group to visit Rumah Henry Gomes had a “hidden agenda” which was to introduce Alexander Asing as the candidate to take over from him in the next State Election.

“It drew the attentions of the people in Ulu Teru and others in a closed door discussions that SPDP would drop all the appointments of Ketua Masyarakats and councillors in Marudi constituency and alleged that there was such thing as the existence of "second class residents" in Marudi constituency.”

Claiming that he “stumbled” upon when the same group later reached Rumah Benang, Sungai Bakas, Entri also alleged that he was bombarded by the group with harsh and abusive words such as, “Why he (Entri, no more an SPDP member) is in that opposition’s longhouse?, Why should they went to an opposition strong hold if they were a truly Barisan Nasional leaders of SPDP.”

In another incident at Mas Gading, Entri claimed that SPDP led by its President had organised at least two “all-out” functions in Bau with the intention to discredit the incumbent Dato' Dr. Tiki Lafe as well as disuniting the BN supporters in the Mas Gading constituency.

“How could the President undermine the credibility of the incumbent MP of Mas Gading who is still serving his constituents until the next Parliamentary election, was this not negative politiking within the Barisan Nasional by them and not by the G5?”

He also claimed that the Bidayuh community led by Dato Sri Michael Manyin had to take an initiative organised a Unity dinner in Bau just to ensure that the Bidayuh Community especially the BN supporters would be remain united. Were all these not negative politikings by SPDP?

Entri also questioned the one side story that the G5 were sacked because of gross insubordination which was said every now and then in the media. “Could we also asked why such accusation happened? Had it not because the President of SPDP abused his prerogative power by reneging or breached his signed statement or promise to maintain the President's line-up of status quo?”

"So, what sort of gross insubordination that SPDP was talking about while they did not see that it was how the internal problems in SPDP started,” he clarified adding that such problem had led the G5 lost confidence in the leadership of SPDP and not against SPDP per se as a BN Component Party.

He regretted those harping only on gross insubordination against the G5 failed to understand the actual problem in the Party. Let they have their own self-reflections so that they could be more rationale in accusing the G5 of gross insubordination as the main reason they were sacked or quit the party.-End of the email.


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