Saturday 10 March 2012



CHIEF Minister Pehin Seri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud seems to be against the idea of the so-called SPDP5 of forming a new component BN party in Sarawak.

“It is not a very good idea for them (the so-called SPDP5) to form a new party as they would have many “hurdles” to overcome should they continue their intention to do so.”

“In order to form a new BN component party in Sarawak, they (SPDP5) needs to get consensus from all the State BN component parties to enable them to be accepted as another component party of BN which is a quite a bit of hurdle so it’s better not to do so.”

Saying that the SPDP5 and their supporters are very loyal to BN which was why in desperation they had formed the BN Club to show they are still loyal to BN, Taib, who is also Sarawak BN Chairman pointed out that, it is something that should be appreciated as a show of good faith and loyalty.

He added that, it did not matter whether  the BN club was a non-political movement as long as there was a rallying point and if you want to keep your unity, you can use any forum you want, provided you are motivated by quite a laudable objective and the objective is to show support for the BN, to participate in BN and to continue serving the people who have elected you (member of SPDP5).”

To a question whether if he agrees to the idea that the SPDP5 need to have some kind of political platform, the Chief Minister said, “Well, they have been elected legitimately through the party’s machinery.”

“Their followers seems to say, “why not stick with that and we will still recognise them as our leaders,” said Taib adding that if they want to be like that, let them be, give them time to probably to find the way to reconcile.

“I think that is not completely impossible. I think it is too much to leave the five YBs alone as they had just been elected. On the other hand, with only two YBs left, that is not a good position for any party,” he added.

There had been speculations for the past few days that a new party would be formed to accommodate the former SPDP representatives before the 13th General Election.

According to some reports, a new party called Party Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (TERAS) had recently submitted its application to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) for registration but to UnReportedNews™® understanding, the idea of setting the new BN component party came from an extreme group of supporters of the YBs who seems doesn’t fully understands the Sarawak BN  component parties' constitution and they doesn’t realises the “dangerous circumstances” they actually poses for the five YBs.

It not a sort of game my friend, that you can just “reset” if you are cornered or in a bad situation, it’s the YBs’ future and future people’s in their respective  constituencies. So don't play-play.



  1. Even foreigners watching have enough of these crimes. A registered letter, which we sent in December 2011 and was signed by 15 NGOs from eight countries calling on Malaysia’s authorities to arrest Taib and 13 family members, has been left unanswered. Has the PM got any trace of moral, dignity and sense of shame left? Watching from NZ, rated top for democracy, and transparency, this is despicable, this is a disgrace to the whole Country Malaysia. Why are Sarawakians & Malaysian tolerating this rot & stench? Nothing will be done, unless Arab Spring type pressures are mounted beginning with:
    Blockade of all logging & oil palm accesses.
    Blockade of all CMS & related companies’ access & movements.
    Work stoppage. Sit-ins in offices, transport hubs & airports.
    Everyone has enough! If Sarawakians are so cowardly, then let’s cut a long strong short. Let’s call the darkest and most deadly curse on the these criminials, including cronies and supporters of evil. Shame on them curse and retribution be on them soonest.

  2. Dear Mr Alan Newman, you should be ashamed of yourself for busy-bodying on other countries' internal affairs as if your country is perfect and having no problem at all. We, Sarawakians are not cowards like you, pretending to be perfect by poking your nose meddling into others' business so that your own problem wouldn't be seen. If have too free time please settle all land disputes involving the Maori people in your country which to my understanding had increased each year? :)

  3. Dear Mr Alan,you should take care of your country.It was not good to interfere other country affairs just because you felt that something must be done for the sake of the people without understanding the actual situation happening within the country.It would be easy for anybody for frame accusation without knowing the real fact that transpired. Our Chief Minister position is just like a Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Burdens of the country is in his hands. As CM he is also proxy to the STATE GOVERNMENT means whatever INVESTMENT INVOLVING PEOPLE MONEY INVESTED BY THE STATE GOVERNMENT shall be taken care by him and anybody entrusted by him. As a CM,it is a prerogative of CM of appoint anybody deemed fit to become a proxy to the State Government. What you can read or see in showing thousand of evidence of political misconduct of our CM, his families, allies even associates all hiding some true points. Its only shown the names of directors and shareholders but if you explore a bit more, all the assets .lands ,timber businesses etc as STATE GOVERMENT ASSETS and PROPERTIES. All these are belongs to the PEOPLE of SARAWAK.All the names in the companies running the STATE GOVERNMENT ASSETS are proxies chosen by our CM. He could not be the only one holding such roles and responsibilities therefore few trustworthy and capable people deployed to take care of this State Interest. Of course when they are holding as proxies to the State, they enjoy all potential benefits as a DIRECTOR of the INVESTMENT COMPANY. CM takes up roles as proxy to the State Government in all CRITICAL INVESTMENT made. Nevertheless there are some investment did not give good profitable results, but there are also other investment that gave high profitability like oil palm and timber logging.
    One day,once he step down as our CM all those State Owned Asset and Properties whether it be vested oversea or domestic shall be surrendered back with all accumulated profits.The next CM will take up the same roles again with another sets of capable people to run the State Interest.
    Sometimes we see people getting rich and we are not rich,it means something not right happening as it always ending like that. But sometimes when you put the INTEREST of the PEOPLE ahead of your PERSONAL INTEREST,GOD WILL BLESS YOU AND WILL KEEP YOU THERE AS LONG AS HE WANTS YOU TO BE THERE. Read the true story of Mustapha Kamal Attartuk of Turkey who walks against the WILL of GOD by removing the Rule of Khalifah Sultan Abdul Hamed II (Uthaminah Empire) and why ADNAN MENDERES survived during the plane crash and becoming Turkey PM to restore the missing values of Turkey...


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