Saturday 29 September 2012



Deputy Speaker of Parliament Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar described the 2013 Budget tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the Parliament yesterday was a balanced budget between development of economy and assistances to the people.

The Budget speech which started 4pm sharp and televised live at all major TV station in Malaysia with the overall total of RM251.67 which made up of RM201.92 billion for management and RM49.75 billion for development.

Junaidi, who is also the Member of Parliament for Santubong said the budget covers almost all aspects without leaving any stones unturned and this also include additional focus for insurance for traders, hawkers, fishermen, farmer and everyone.

“With the announced budget, paddy planting in Batang Lupar will be further expanded and enhanced and there’s seemed to be a number of incentives to develop entrepreneurship and business.”

“To me this is a very good indication to develop wider range of SME and SMI and the focus seemed to be not only on providing fund but also training,” he said adding that it also targets graduates for further training.

“The housing assistance to fishermen and Financial Assistance to Bumiputra companies to be continued with fast track loan for small businesses and traders for all races will be provided.”

“Education to be further enhance 21per cent will provided for all races to enhance competency and capacity of the teachers in Science, English, Malay and mathematic will be assisted.”

He said that government is bring fair to every races by allocating RM100 million for Chinese, RM100 million for Indian, RM100 million for Missionaries with MRSM will be given a special fund to be allocated for training of graduates for RM200 million.

“Large amount is to be allocated for road links, fresh water and I believe much of it for Sarawak and Sabah and RM1 billion for women including single mother and aged.”

“Establishment of young entrepreneur foundation and IT will be provided including a package for youth rebate for smartphones. RAPID for Kuching also provided.”

Meanwhile, RM100-RM400,000 house to be built for urban centers in Peninsula with  21,000 Rumah Mesra Rakyat to be built and most of these programs are for urban middle income group.”

“BR1M is to be given again and in addition those single individuals receiving salary less than RM2000 will also be given,” he said that subsidy for edible oil and essential items be given to Sarawak and Sabah., especially those in the interior where cost of transportation to be absorbed by the government.

“One new program by SOCSO to allocate RM200 million for free medical examination for members and the government also allocate fund for intellectual property to be mortgaged in banks to enable the development of the sector.”

Junaidi who was at the Parliament when the budget was tabled was contacted by UnReportedNews™® via the telephone said that it was obviously the government efforts toward high income nation through business for wider participation and all races is being made through funding and training.

“This to me is a right move which I said during previous pre council beginning of the year to make use of business and entrepreneurship for high income and employment alternative.”
“Time base promotion to Military and addition allowance for Tentera Wataniah. RM1000 one off for all non pensionable former military personnel plus insurance for police and military personnel.”

“Enhancement of police, increase of personnel and motorcycles, more coverage of Rukun Tertanga and uniform for Rela and all of this is to enhance the capacity of all players police, Rela and KRT for the safety and security of the country.”

“For all civil servants, one and half month bonus be given to be given in three stages without leaving out the pensioners where they will also RM500.”

“I think the budget has produced am all round assistances for poor, low income and middle class while left the rich and wealthy to themselves with the focus to create more businessmen and entrepreneurs by giving fund and training to achieve the high income nation and full employment is done in this budget.”

“To produce food security several programs are funded and arranged to achieve this goals with several strategic businesses like SME, ICT and agriculture are to be enhanced. RM100 for school children and RM250 for0university and college be given again and education allowance increased to RM6K from RM3K.”

“Overall, the 2013 budget announcement by PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is a very balanced budget covering all aspects but most importantly, it's a sincere and realistic budget compared to the opposition's alternative budget which promises the sun and the moon despite failing to fulfil their promises in the last 2008 election,” added Junaidi.


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