Sunday 30 September 2012


The services of the 1Malaysia Clinic, particularly those in the Santubong Parliament constituency will take initiatives in organising public health related programes in its effart to emphasize the awareness and importance of taking care of one's health.
Member of Parliament for Santubong Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said that although there already one of the three 1Malaysia clinics that to be established in Santubong had started operating, he believes that more efforts should be driven especially for those staying in the far and remote areas.
"We will conduct and organise more health-related programs for the public from time to time and if possible, we will coordinate or collaborate with other government or private agencies and departments such as one we had conducted in Lundu with the military (ATM) several months ago."
Junaidi, who is also the Deputy Speaker of Parliament said this to New Sarawak Tribune after officiating the opening 1Malaysia Clinic at Bandar Baru Samariang at Jalan Sultan Tengah, Santubong near the city here yesterday morning.
He revealed that he had earlier officially applied for at least six 1Malaysia Clinics in Santubong however, due to the land tecnicalities and conditions, so far, the Ministry of Health had only three clinics had been approved while the other applications are still under revieew.
"The three clinics are located at Baru Samariang (Pantai Damai DUN) which started its operation today while the one in Tabuan (Demak Laut DUN) is still undergoing a major  renovation and the clinic at Kampung Pulo (pantai damai DUN) which currently is in the process of locating a suitable site for the establishment."
He explained that the would-be build Kampung Pulo clinic was initially planned to be build at Kampung Bintawa however, there are no existing buildings suitable for the clinic as accordingly stipulated as one of the main condition in the 1Malaysia clinic project, therefore, the venue was to the nearby village which is more centralised and strategic location.
Pointing out that he would continue on seeking allocation from the federal government for other 1Malaysia clinics in his constituency, Junaidi revealed another 1Malaysia clinic (under review) which was initially planned for Kampung Sebat (Tanjung Datu DUN) might be relocated either at Lundu or Sempadi with its a different status; "Klinik Desa".
"The approval of these 1Malaysia Clinics in Santubong and Sarawak in general, refelects the seriousnes and concern by the government led by Prime Minsiter Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in providing the people with medical facilities and specialities," added Junaidi.
Earlier in his speech, Junaidi who was accompanied by his wife Datin Hajah Feona Sim Abdullah reminded the people to take care of their health by being extra caution on the type of food they are consuming because if "a bit too much of one kind of food is also not too good for one's heath".
"What we eat today literally will determine the condition of our health in the future therefore, we must control the type of foods or what we eat as there is a saying, "prevention is better than cure", so to avoid untowards health problems in our old days, start controlling our foods."
Urging the people not to stop to educate their children with a healthy lifestyle, Junaidi pointed out that the people nowadays, seems to take for granted on their heath and doesn't mind consuming more than they shoud have; such as sugar, rice and others.
"We should reliased that even the people in the rural and remote areas, far away from the urban zones nowadays are also "exposed" to the "new sickness or health problems" which are usual effect the people living in the towjns or cities as their lifestyles are slowly "duplicating" the modern lifes in the urban areas.
Giving an example that people in the old days had to "sweat and excercise" by walking on foot or paddling the boats just to reach their working places, Junaidi said the situation nowadays, however is totally different where people just start their cars or motorcyles just to go to work.
"In general, the people consumes the same food as the people before us however, minus the exercises therefore, please take carer of your health by being a bit particular in the type of food you are consuming," he added.
An overwhelming number of more than 50 patients turned up at the launching ceremony of the Bandar Baru Samariang 1Malaysia Clinic which was also attended by Pantai Damai State Assemblyman Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi and his wife Hajah Siti Syorgayah Haji Muhammad Zaiden, Sarawak Health Department Deputy Director Dr Jamilah Hasyim,  Kuching Division Health Department Dr Kamarudin Lajim and other distinguished guest.


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