Wednesday 1 August 2012



Police will not leave any stones unturned including the possibilities of "paid hitmen", "gang-wars" or even "passion" were the motives which retaled to the three recent spates of murder cases, all involving the use of firearms in this State, this year alone.

Sarawak Commissioner of Police Datuk Acryl Sani disclosing this to reporters said that the police are still investigating these cases from all aspects to determine their motives to  ascertain whether these cases were connected or the otherwise.

Acryl, comfirming the incident revealed that, initial police investigation believes that the deceased in the latest shooting case in Miri on Monday was earlier trailed by the gunman who then took the oppurtunity to shoot him down as he stops his SUV at the junction before the red-light.

"We are still investigating on the background of the deceased and one thing similar about these three murdered men were they are businessmen, some operating entertainment outlets and initial police investigation had also had not brush-off that these murders may be caused by elements of business rivalries."

When asked whether the murders could be related to the gang-infightings for business terrotaries, Acryl admitted that that police had not ruled out the "gang-infightings for business territories" as one of the main motives of the killing but then, it is still not determined yet.

"We will look through all the possibilities that might be the motives of these respective cases and should the motives were determined, only then we can proceed on determining the suspect or suspects," he said.

Acryl was met by told reporters after attending the launching ceremony of the Tabung Rayuan Hari Pahlawan 2012 of the Sarawak Chapter which was by the Head of State Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Haji Mohammad Salahuddin at the old DUN yesterday morning.

Advising the members of public not to be alarmed with the spates of firearm cases, particularly in Sarawak lately, Acryl assured the people that police are certained that these assailants in these shooting cases that are definitly not the "trigger-happy-gunmen" whom currently are "running loose" in the State.

"With the facts and evidences gathered in the cases so far, I am so very confident that these killers are not like the trigger-happy-shooters-type as we usually heard or seen in the foreign news but they are  focused on motives and intentions;  which the police have yet not determined," he assured.

Urging the members of the public who might had witnessed or have any information refarding these murder cases to come forward to assist the police in their investigations, Acryl said that any small details related to these cases are very crucial and important.

"I would like to take this opportunity to ask the members of the public to rest-assure that the police are litterally "going all out", taking whatever actions that we had empowered to solve these cases as quick as possible so that criminals involved are caught put behind bars," he said.

In the latest incident at about 6pm on Monday, a 48-year-old businessman was murdered when an unidentified assailant shot two times from point blank at the deceased as he was in his car stopping at a traffic-light junction at Jalan Bendehara in Miri.

The latest Monday shoot out in Miri was the third murder case involving the use in firearm in Sarawak in this year alone,  with the first and previous cases were had occurred in Sibu and Kuching respectively.

The police are still investigating and gathering informations in these cases however so far, no suspects were arrested in these three respective cases which currently are investigated as murder cases under Section 302 of the Penal Code.


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