Wednesday 1 August 2012


All of the political parties, either those from the current ruling government or opposition involved in the forthcoming 13th General Election (GE) are urged to fully understand and abide all each of all the stipulated laws of the entire election procedures to ensure it runs smoothly without any untoward incidents.

The Election Commission (EC) of Malaysia Chairman Tan Sri Dato' Seri Haji Aziz Mohd Yusuf reminded this and expressed that it is an utmost crucial matter that all those taking part in the GE to fully cooperate with EC to avoid encountering all sort of problems which might to misunderstandings during the elections procedures.

"This is avoid any dissatisfaction or displease on the results by any of the parties involved in the GE," said Aziz adding as an independent body responsible to administer and manage the GE processes, EC hopes that that with the cooperation from all the parties.

"Your cooperation are intensively vital as it will determine the GE’s proceedings can run smoothly and orderly, more organized, systematically and most importantly, in civilized peaceful manner without any sort of disruptions so that the final result of the polling can be accepted by all sides without any sort of skepticism.”

Aziz said this in his opening speech during the one-day EC's Meeting with all Political Party Leaders and Media of the Sarawak Chapter 2012 which was held at one of the leading hotel in the city here yesterday morning.

The Sarawak Chapter's meeting session, the second of its kind saw more than 100 participants, comprising from either politicians' of the government or opposition camps, representatives from various departments and agencies related in the election and representatives from various mainstream media.

The first session was held on 19th July recently in Peninsular Malaysia while the third and last meeting of the similar session is scheduled to be hold in Sabah on this forthcoming August 8th, next week.

Aziz also expressed his high confidence that Sarawak’s GE will proceeds smoothly as for the overwhelming responses by the participants attending yesterday’s meeting regardless from the government or opposition sides.

“In a way, this had positively indicates that all parties concerned are serious and committed to know and understand all these newly introduced regulations and changes that had been made,” he added.

“The impact of this briefing today however, would only be maximized with the respective representatives can deliver and relay these latest development as accurately as possible onto their fellow party leaders down till the grassroots level so that, they would too, will fully understand all the amendments and changes that had been done.”

"Please, try to conduct briefing-session to your respective parties and explain all these new conditions and regulation so that there would be no misunderstanding or misinterpreted on the polling day itself by candidates’ agents or supporters who had no knowledge on the related matters.”
Urging all the parties to act sincerely by referring to the EC in the event of confronting any problems during the election proceeding instead of turning straight to the medias, Aziz stressed out by simply blaming EC is an unethical and even worse, portraying a bad impression to EC to the public.

“Be a gentleman to confront us, please be fair to EC too because any wild accusation on EC can definitely questioned our integrity as an independent body who doesn’t take  sides, what more to assist the ruling party to win in the GE,” said Aziz adding that the accusations are baseless as could be seen in the last 2008 GE where the oppositions had a considerable huge win, taking over several states.

The meeting comprises with various segments of explanations and dialogues over  election-related matters by the EC speakers and a simulation on the usage of the indelible ink that will be used in the next e 13th GE was also showcased.

Also present at the meeting were the EC Deputy Chairman Datuk Wira Haji Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, Sarawak EC Chairman Datuk Haji Takun Sunggah and other distinguished guests.


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