Thursday 8 March 2012




After coincidentally "bumping" into Datuk Sylvester Entri who was one of among the distinguished invited guests to attend the official opening and launching ceremony of JEJAK 2012 and the Sixth Sarawak Bumiputera Economic Congress by Chief Minister Pehin Seri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud at one of the leading hotel near the city here on last Tuesday, UnReportedNews™®, received another email from the honourable Datuk Entri and his associates and asked to be published at UnReportedNews™®. The email said:

We, the G5 has made our stand clear to sink and swim with Barisan Nasional (BN), serve as  BN Wakil Rakyat, as required of us. We resort to forming the BN Club as a platform to serve the rakyat and as loyal BN supporters. Despite of what he has said, we are staunch BN supporters and there was never any attempts or action on out part aiming at disrupting the harmony in BN. 

On what ground can Tan Sri William Mawan and  SPDP imply that  we are  threat to BN? We  are "piggy riding" on BN (please click here) because we are BN representatives, why would it be otherwise? Negative politicking? What is that? We go to the ground because it is our duty to give service to our constituents and to explain to the rakyat on what is happening. The rakyat deserve to know the situation and make their own judgement.

In the last state election, SPDP lost two important seats, that of it's Deputy President and the Secretary General's constituents, both of  which, were  BN stronghold seats. And when that is not enough, Mawan further sacked another five BN Wakil Rakyat from SPDP and now calling the G5 to vacate our seats and our respective positions in BN and BN government!

In a span of hardly a year he has thrown away two BN State seats and thrown away another five BN Wakil Rakyat from his party leaving only two State seats in SPDP! Are all these not enough evidences to show who is really a threat to BN and doing negative politicking?

Lately, Mawan came to mess around in Mas Gading, a BN stronghold seat. His action seems to aim at creating disunity among  the Bidayuh compounded by the fact that  he kept on giving conflicting statements on the candidates for the coming parliamentary election. 

The Bidayuh had to hold a "unity dinner" on 26 February 2012 in Bau in order to  rectify the damages created by him. It is learnt that Mawan is going to reciprocate the gesture by organising a dinner in Bau as well. What would  he think the Bidayuh will do if he keeps on undermining a BN stronghold? Isn't that an attempt  to weaken BN and seemingly pose a threat to BN ?

Mawan in his many past statements also appears to be prematurely bent on saying and preventing the incumbent MP for Mas Gading YB Datuk Dr Tiki not to be renominated for Mas Gading in the coming Parliamentary Election in Sarawak. 

Firstly, is this also not an attempt to weaken an incumbent BN Wakil Rakyat and thereby BN? Secondly, is this not a case of overbearing Medicine Man to say the least? Normally, a good Medicine Man would only concentrate on selling and saying how good  his medicine is and not badmouth or attempt to stop other Medicine Man to sell their  medicine. This is because, the decision to buy which medicine rest in the hands of the buyer.

Likewise, in Mas Gading he is free to promote his own proposed candidates and should not be so engrossed on trying to stop Tiki from being renominated for the upcoming Parliamentary Election. After all, anyone can propose a candidate but only the top BN leaderships make the final decision with regards to BN candidates. So why is there so much ado about nothing?

SPDP current focus on trying all out not to get Tiki to be renominated for Mas Gading and their attempt to get the G5 to vacate their positions in the BN Government is a ferocious  attempt to weaken BN. At the same time, they are  trying to shift the blame to other people for their misgivings.Nevertheless, as far as we the G5 are concern, there shall be no doubt that we shall remain staunch BN men. We shall support whoever is the BN candidate nominated for the coming Parliamentary Election in Mas Gading and we expect SPDP to do the same.

As for us, the so-called G5, rest assured, we shall always be with BN and fully support BN to remain strong at all times and to serve the rakyat to the best of our ability. Our fate rest squarely in the hands of BN and we will not be distracted by the noise from SPDP.

Signed by YB Datuk Peter Nansian, YB Datuk Sylvester Entri Muran, YB Rosey Yunus & YB Paulus Paul Gumbang-End of email.


1 comment:

  1. Salam Perkenalan buat sahabat blogger dari Bumi Kenyalang..

    Semoga dapat kongsi info bersama dalam memperkukuh BN sebagai wadah Gelombang Rakyat.

    Blog anda telah saya senaraikan antara blogger terhebat di blog saya.



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