Monday 30 July 2012


Junaidi presenting his personal donation to one of the recipients while looked on by Abdul Rahman
The objective of fasting during the Holy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak month practices by the Muslims community is to experience the pain, hunger and hardship of those who are less fortunate as well as to teach us to understand the true meaning of gratitude on what we had all enjoyed all this while.

Member of Parliament for Santubong Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said fasting also teaches and exercises the Muslims to be more patience and tolerance upon confronting untoward condition.

“As the Muslims community in Malaysia fasted for only 12 hours a day with the clear conscious in mind of food will be served on the table in the evening, please bear in mind, there are many of our unfortunate Muslims brothers and sister in some other part of the world would however, continued to “starve” due to some circumstances in their respective countries.”

Junaidi, who is also Deputy Speaker of Parliament said this in his speech during the Majlis Sungkei Perdana P193 Santubong  Zon BGS (Boyan, Gersik, Sourabaya) which was held along the BGS waterfront here on Sunday last evening.

“In some of these nations, their governments were unable to generate food resources to its people due to weather or financial condition while others were inflicted with wars, havoc or rioting caused by the failure of their government to obtain political stability.”

“We however, in Malaysia are truly fortunate as we are so gifted with everything that those unfortunate people had always dreamed or had wished for; food and peace which were made possible by the presence Barisan Nasional (BN) government.”

Reminding the people that in order to preserve the present political stability in this country, Junaidi also urged them to continue in supporting the BN government and not to be influenced by other irresponsible parties claiming they are better than the present government but without any track records to prove so.

“Malaysia, presently under the leadership of Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak is presently on the right track and perfect momentum of transforming intio a developed and high income country and any political dis-stability can disrupt the progress,” he added.

Junadi, who was accompanied by his wife Datin Hajah Feona Sim Abdullah later presented their personal donation to 120 unfortunate children, single mothers and elderly folks from four villages near the vicinity.

Also present at the event were Pantai Damai State Assemblyman Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Pantai Damai PBB Deputy Chairman Drahman Jeladin, Pantai Damai PBB Woman Wing Chief Aminah Junaidi and others.

Later, Junaidi and the other distinguished guests performed the Tarawikh prayer at the nearby temporary Gersik Surau.


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