Friday 23 March 2012



SARAWAK has set the target at four million tourists for the year 2013, the “Visit Sarawak Year” and coincidentally also marks the 50th Anniversary of the State’s independent since the formation of Malaysia.

Minister of Tourism Datuk Amar Abang Haji Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg said this adding that this (target) however, could be achieved if everyone works together to enhance the tourism’s standard in Sarawak including upgrading the present homestay facilities in this state.

He said this in a press conference after officiating the two-day Homestay Entrepreneur Workshop jointly organised by Sarawak Tourism Ministry and Ministry of Tourism Malaysia at the State Library at Petra Jaya near the City here on Wednesday afternoon.

Johari, who is also Minister of Housing advice Homestays operator whom had not register themselves to do so with the State Tourism so that his Ministry can assist them in standardizing the quality of services to the tourists.

Disclosing that so far only 27 homestay operators with the capacity of 570 rooms in Sarawak in the location from Kuching up to Ba’Kalalan had registered with his ministry, he said that a survey will be conducted in the near future to gather the actual number of homestay operators in this state.

“This workshop is one of the government's efforts to provide entrepreneurial training program is to homestay operators capable of independent, competitive and thus make them as affordable homestay entrepreneurs attract more tourist arrivals to Malaysia and in Sarawak.”

“Homestay program or also known as “program enap-desa” is actually capable of bringing an enormous pleasure to the tourists as through the program, visitors will be invited to recognize our culture and customs more closely while visiting interesting places in the country.”

Johari said that in order to compete with other tourism products, packages sold in the homestay program should be "Value Added" and unique thus the ability to introduce this tourism packages to attract tourists to come and promises lucrative income to homestay operators.

“The State has successfully retained an earning amounting to RM978,703.62 in the previous year, an increase of more than 25 percent compared to RM780,952.36 in 2010 and according to figures, released by the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, a total of 12,618 visitors took the homestay package in the state in 2011, compared to only 9,384 the previous year.”

“For the success of the homestay program, villagers, participants and coordinators homestay homestay program should be united in the success of this program,” he said adding that in fact, they also must be prepared and take care of their villages especially the aspect of cleanliness and hygiene must also be emphasized as this is very important to ensure that visitors feel comfortable in their houses.

“The government is ready to help participants of homestay program in terms of training services and related advice and assistance as in the Tenth Malaysia Plan under the Development Project Homestay Facilities Upgrade Phase 1 and Phase 2, through the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, Sarawak has received an allocation of RM5,687,800.00 to upgrade homestay facilities in Sarawak.”

For further strengthen the effort to promote their homestay, Johari advices the operators to venture in promoting their homestays through the internet, and blogs as through that medium, their reach would be wider and faster.

Reminding the homestay operators to be proactive, especially in relationships with private agencies such as the Sarawak Tourism Federation (STF), MATTA and travel agencies in the state, Johari said that they should also take the challenge recently thrown by Chief Minister Pehin Seri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud to form a “Wholesale Tourism Consortium” in Sarawak.

“I am in the process of discussion with Assistant Minister of Bumiputera Entrepreneurs Development Datuk Haji Naroden Majais on this matter where the consortium, if established can create a smart partnership programs including with the homestay participants in other places in Sarawak to diversify income sources.”

Also present at the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia Sarawak Director Ester Douglas Udam, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism & Heritage Datuk Ik Pahon Joyik and other invited guests.


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