Friday 3 February 2012


(from left) Hazland, Junaidi, Zawawi, Feona having a conversation with one of the BR1M recipients Fatimah Mud (in wheelchair) from Kampung Tabuan accompanied by her sister Salhah Mud at the programme yesterday.

SARAWAK will officially request for a permission from the Federal Government to extend the actual time-frame of the distribution process of the one-off cash payment RM500 Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) recently given to all related government agencies for eligible people in this country.

"For Sarawak, the two or three-month period given for BR1M’s distribution procedures to all the people in this State is rather short, in addition, the uncompromising terrain condition and difficulties to acquire sufficient logistic facilities to cover our vast land-spread here made the tasks (of government agencies and departments relevant) even harder and almost impossible."

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar pointed this out adding that the stipulated period, although that certain given time might be enough or sufficient for the other states in Malaysia, we (in Sarawak) encounters some difficulties which might not experiences by our West Malaysian counterparts.

“Recently, I had “unofficially” informed this matter (of the limited time factor of the BR1M’s aid distribution in Sarawak)to Dato' Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzla through SMS and intended to write an official letter on the matter as soon as possible to the Government to be considered.”

“Sarawak, being is the biggest State in Malaysia and there are still many parts of this state have no road-connectivity thus to entirely reach all the people living scattered around randomly,” said Junaidi, who is also the Member of Parliament for Santubong.

“We must admit that there are probably still some people living at a distance isolated part deeper further in the interior region of Sarawak’s map and to immediately reach them the short limited time provided is almost an impossible mission.”

“Frankly speaking, I do believe that even in the circumstances that our officers of the   related government department and agencies in this BR1M program were fully-facilitated with the needed logistic to overcome arising problems, realistically, to systematically distribute the aid to the people in a short limited time, there are concern on any possibility that someone might be left out of this program.

“Kuching Resident Office had recorded an up-to-date total of 85,000 people eligible for BR1M aid in Kuching district alone, therefore, I hope those who had not yet receives theirs, to be patience as all the payment procedures had to be carefully and tediously conducted to prevent any untoward incidents.”

Reminding the other BR1M applicant whom were not listed in yesterday’s group of recipients to be patience or not to worry as the three series of similar BR1M presentation in his Santubong Parliamentary constituency recently is only the first phases of the entire schedule, assures Junaidi.

“Don’t worry (to not receive the BR1M), it’s just the matter of another time and venue in the other coming phases of this programme soon, this (BR1M)aid is to assist the people themselves which is in-line with the Government of Barisan Nasional’s (BN) tag “People First, Performance Now”.”

Also present at the BR1M presentation to the Santubong community were Junaidi’s wife Datin Hajah Feona Sim, Demak Laut State Assemblyman Dr Hazland Abang Hipni, Kuching Resident Abdul Rahman Sebli, BSN State director Haji Zawawi Nor and several other invited distinguished guests.


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