Monday 30 July 2012


 WILL MAKE NO EFFECT .. (seating centre) Junaidi with (left) Jelandi and Rahman during the press conference
Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin’s action quitting from all his position’s in UMNO will definitely not triggered a “domino-effect or chain-reaction” in Sarawak
Deputy Speaker of Parliament Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said that from his point of view, Lajim’s case was something “more personal” and an isolated internal case in UMNO.

“No, I am confident that the Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawakian MPs will loyal and give their full support to the Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak particularly with the 13th General election just around the corner.”

“Lajim must remember that he won the Beaufort Parliamentary seat in the last General election in 2008 using UMNO’s and BN’s as his platform and people voted for BN not him,” said Juniaid who is also the Member of Parliament for Santubong.

Junaidi, who was accompanied by his wife Datin Hajah Feona Sim Abdullah was asked to comment on Lajim’s resignation after officiating the Majlis Sungkei Perdana P193 Santubong  Zon BGS (Boyan, Gersik, Sourabaya) which was held along the BGS waterfront here on Sunday last evening.

Last week, Lajim resigned as a member of the UMNO Supreme Council, Beaufort UMNO division chief and chairman of the BN effective immediately however, he still remains as Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government and UMNO members, and submit to the party to make a decision.

When asked to elaborate more of his views more on the matter, Junaidi elaborate that presently PM Najib is probably making a decision on Lajim’s post as Deputy Minister because it is at his discretion.

Also present at the event were Pantai Damai State Assemblyman Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Pantai Damai PBB Deputy Chairman Drahman Jeladin, Pantai Damai PBB Woman Wing Chief Aminah Junaidi and others.



Junaidi presenting his personal donation to one of the recipients while looked on by Abdul Rahman
The objective of fasting during the Holy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak month practices by the Muslims community is to experience the pain, hunger and hardship of those who are less fortunate as well as to teach us to understand the true meaning of gratitude on what we had all enjoyed all this while.

Member of Parliament for Santubong Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said fasting also teaches and exercises the Muslims to be more patience and tolerance upon confronting untoward condition.

“As the Muslims community in Malaysia fasted for only 12 hours a day with the clear conscious in mind of food will be served on the table in the evening, please bear in mind, there are many of our unfortunate Muslims brothers and sister in some other part of the world would however, continued to “starve” due to some circumstances in their respective countries.”

Junaidi, who is also Deputy Speaker of Parliament said this in his speech during the Majlis Sungkei Perdana P193 Santubong  Zon BGS (Boyan, Gersik, Sourabaya) which was held along the BGS waterfront here on Sunday last evening.

“In some of these nations, their governments were unable to generate food resources to its people due to weather or financial condition while others were inflicted with wars, havoc or rioting caused by the failure of their government to obtain political stability.”

“We however, in Malaysia are truly fortunate as we are so gifted with everything that those unfortunate people had always dreamed or had wished for; food and peace which were made possible by the presence Barisan Nasional (BN) government.”

Reminding the people that in order to preserve the present political stability in this country, Junaidi also urged them to continue in supporting the BN government and not to be influenced by other irresponsible parties claiming they are better than the present government but without any track records to prove so.

“Malaysia, presently under the leadership of Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak is presently on the right track and perfect momentum of transforming intio a developed and high income country and any political dis-stability can disrupt the progress,” he added.

Junadi, who was accompanied by his wife Datin Hajah Feona Sim Abdullah later presented their personal donation to 120 unfortunate children, single mothers and elderly folks from four villages near the vicinity.

Also present at the event were Pantai Damai State Assemblyman Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Pantai Damai PBB Deputy Chairman Drahman Jeladin, Pantai Damai PBB Woman Wing Chief Aminah Junaidi and others.

Later, Junaidi and the other distinguished guests performed the Tarawikh prayer at the nearby temporary Gersik Surau.


Sunday 29 July 2012



PENGGUNAAN IT DENGAN BERHEMAH .. Junaidi menyampaikan komputer riba 1Malaysia kepada salah seorang penerima bersama Noraizee, Rahman dan Drahman pada majlis tersebut
Perkhidmatan liputan internet di seluruh kawasan Parlimen Santubong dijangka akan menjangkau pada tahap 100 peratus sebelum akhir tahun 2013.

Ahli Parlimen Santubong Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar berkata dengan  menambah dia merasa begitu optimistik akan mencapai kejayaan tersebut kerana buat masa ini bahawa liputan internet di kawasan Parlimennya adalah lebih dari 90 peratus.

“Pada masa ini, terdapat hanya dua kawasan luar bandar di Santubong iaitu Teluk Serabang dan Teluk Melano yang masih belum ada liputan internet walaubagaipun, saya berkeyakinan masalah ini boleh diselesaikan dalam masa yang terdekat, selewat-lewatnya akhir tahun hadapan.”

Junaidi yang juga merupakan Timbalan Speaker Parlimen mendedahkan bahawa pada awal tahun ini, beliau telah menulis surat mengenai perkara tersebut kepada kementerian yang berkaitan.

“Dalam surat saya, saya juga telah mencadangkan agar pihak kerajaan atau pihak berkaitan mendirikan beberapa menara telekomunikasi bukan saja di dua kawasan yang tiada liputan internat malah, di kawasan-kawasan yang telah dikenalpasti memunyai liputan internet byang kurang baik atau lemah.”

Beliau ditemui pemberita selepas majlis penyampaian 507 unit komputer riba 1Malaysia kepada pemimpin-pemimpin masyarakat dari DUN Pantai Damai di diadakan di Yayasan Sarawak di Jalan Sultan Tengah, Kuching pada hari Sabtu yang lepas.

Terdahulu dalam ucapan perasmian beliau, Junaidi mengingatkan penerima komputer riba agar tidak mengguna-pakai lagi anggapan yang “internet dan teknologi” hanyalah untuk generasi muda sahaja kerana ianya mungkin terlambat buat generasi yang tua mempelajari pengetahuan IT ini.

“Kami mesti padamkan pemikiran lapok sebegini kerana dalam era yang baru ini,  persepsi itu adalah tidak relevan lagi jika dibandingkan dengan awal tahun 90-an semasa computer mula diperkenalkan kerana pengunaan computer pada masa kini amat begitu luas.”

“Kini, komputer dan internet adalah hanya alat semata-mata untuk memudahkan perkerjaan atau tugas kita dengan lebih mudah maka keseluruhan generasi rakyat, baik yang muda ataupun yang  berusia seharusnya mengambil segala peluang untuk mempelajari ilmu IT ini.”

Junaidi menjelaskan bahawa kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Dato 'Seri Najib Tun Razak menyedari bertapa pentingnya pengetahuan IT ini telah bertekad untuk memperlengkapkan semua golongan masyarakat.

“Kerajaan BN telah menyarankan, setiap rakyat Malaysia perlu diberi peluang untuk melengkapkan diri mereka dengan pengetahuan IT tanpa mengira tua atau muda, miskin mahupun kaya atau miskin,” tambahnya lagi.

“Salah satu daripada objektif utama kerajaan BN mengagihkan komputer riba 1Malaysia ini kepada semua golongan masyarakyat, baik mereka yang tinggal di bandar mahupun luarbandar agar rakyat Malaysia tidak akan ketinggalan dalam mempelajari pengetahuan IT,” tambahnya lagi.

“Rakyat seharusnya memahami motif dan agenda kerajaan yang begitu perihatin menekankan pengetahuan IT iaitu hanya untuk satu sebab-untuk rakyat itu sendiri, dalam usaha kita mempersiapkan diri untuk melangkah ke hadapan mencapai status Negara maju dan berpendapatan tinggi.”

“Oleh itu, saya dengan ikhlas menyeru kepada semua rakyat, khususnya mereka dari kawasan Santubong dan Sarawak amnya, untuk terus memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya dan sokongan padu kepada kerajaan BN yang sediaada untuk merealisasikan wawasan ini,” kata Junaidi lagi.

Turut hadir pada majlis itu ialah Ahli Dewan Undangan Pantai Damai Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Timbalan Pengerusi Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Pantai Damai Drahman Jeladin dan Penolong Pengarah Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) Wilayah Sarawak Noraizee IndriS.




Seawal Ogos 2011 kerajaan pusat telah memberi amaran mengenai krisis bekalan air yang akan bakal melanda  menjelang tahun 2014.

Bukan sahaja Selangor, malah Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan juga Putrajaya akan turut merana dengan melibatkan lebih 1.8 juta pengguna.

Ini bermakna Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (TTHA) sudah menyalakan lampu amaran merah sejak setahun lalu supaya kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor bersikap rasional dan pro-rakyat untuk bekerjasama dalam menjayakan Skim Bekalan Air Mentah dari Pahang ke Selangor.

Skim mega ini melibatkan projek pembinaan Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 dan pembinaan sistem-sistem bekalan air yang berkaitan dengannya.

Projek ini amat diperlukan kerana ia akan memastikan pemintaan bekalan air akan mampu ditampung secara stabil sehingga tahun 2029.

Apa yang Pakatan Rakyat lakukan setakat ini?

Mereka memilih untuk berpeluk tubuh dan tidak berbuat apa-apa dengan bermain politik kepartian sempit yang membahayakan kebajikan rakyat.

Pakatan Rakyat menunjukkan sikap keras kepala dan masih dengan alam fantasinya dengan mengatakan bekalan air terawat mencukupi sehingga tahun 2019.

Hasilnya, kini beberapa kawasan Kuala Lumpur,Hulu Langat dan Klang sering mengalami gangguan bekalan air akibat krisis air yang semakin serius di Lembah Klang.

Sebelum keadaan menjadi lebih parah, kerajaan pusat terpaksa mengambil langkah drastik untuk melaksanakan Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2, samada dengan kerjasama kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor atau tidak.

Bagi kerajaan Barisan Nasional, kebajikan dan jaminan bekalan air bersih kepada rakyat wajib diutamakan, apa pun aral yang melintang atau halangan yang bakal di hadapinya dari Pakatan Rakyat.

Biarlah pembangkang bermain politik dengan menggadaikan hak rakyat namun BN sesekali tidak akan menghukum rakyat hanya kerana perbezaan fahaman politik.

Apabila ditekan oleh kerajaan pusat mengapa Pakatan Rakyat masih mahu menangguhkan Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2, bermacam-macam alasan yang tidak logik dan masuk akal diberikan oleh Menteri Besar dan pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang.

Pakatan Rakyat bukan sahaja mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengelirukan malah memutar belit fakta kerana takut rakyat menolak mereka apabila tahu kedudukan isu yang sebenar.

Pada 23 Julai lalu, Exco Kesihatan, Pekerja Ladang, Kemiskinan dan Kerajaan Prihatin Selangor, Dr Xavier Jayakumar mendakwa kerajaan negeri memohon RM225 juta dari kerajaan pusat bagi meningkatkan penjanaan air terawat di Loji Rawatan Air Sungai Selangor 1 (SSP1) dan Sungai Selangor 3 (SSP3).

Pakatan Rakyat cuba mengalih kesalahan ke atas bahu kerajaan pusat sekiranya permohonan peruntukan itu tidak diluluskan.

Sebenarnya sudah lama kerajaan pusat mengambil inisiatif untuk melaksanakan projek-projek mitigasi bagi mengelakkan krisis air berlaku di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya walaupun mendapat tentangan daripada Pakatan Rakyat Selangor.

Walaupun kerajaan negeri bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan semua loji rawatan air di Selangor membekalkan air terawat yang mencukupi untuk diagihkan kepada pengguna, namun kerajaan pusat prihatin dengan meluluskan peruntukan RM606 juta bagi pelaksanaan lapan projek mitigasi bagi mengelak krisis air pada tahun 2014.

Dengan kelulusan dana tersebut, kerajaan negeri Selangor kemudian bersetuju pula untuk melaksanakan 5 daripada 8 projek tersebut bernilai RM301 juta.

Bukankah dengan bersetuju melaksanakan lima projek mitigasi dengan bantuan kewangan dari kerajaan pusat, Selangor sebenarnya akur kebenaran bahawa krisis air akan berlaku dua tahun dari sekarang?

Maka hujah Pakatan Rakyat mengatakan bekalan air terawat mencukupi sehingga 2019 adalah palsu dan tidak disokong oleh fakta yang jelas.

Pada hari yang sama juga di dalam lama sesawang Selangorku, Dr Xavier membuat satu lagi pembohongan bahawa tanggungjawab menyelenggara dan meningkatkan kemampuan aset air di Selangor seperti loji adalah di bawah  kerajaan pusat dan Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas).

Beliau memberi alasan palsu dengan mengatakan aset-aset air tersebut telah dipajak kepada kerajaan pusat dan Syabas.

Hakikatnya, Selangor sebagai pemilik semua aset air di negeri itu, tidak pernah memajak mana-mana aset airnya kepada kerajaan pusat apa lagi Syabas.

Kedudukan sebenarnya adalah begini - kerajaan negeri Selangor memiliki aset air sebagaimana peruntukan perundangan  di bawah Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) khususnya di bawah Seksyen 188 Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006 (Akta 655).

Akta ini bertanggungjawab bagi memastikan ketersediaan bekalan air terawat atau 'water supply availability' di loji-loji rawatan air di negeri Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya.

Fungsi utama Syabas hanyalah sebagai operator pengagihan air di negeri Selangor iaitu untuk membekal dan mengagihkan bekalan air terawat.

Tugas teras Syabas ini telah termaktub di bawah Seksyen 191 Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006 (Akta 655) oleh SPAN.

Jadi bukan menjadi bidang tugas Syabas untuk memastikan ketersediaan bekalan air terawat.

Kemudian pembohongan berterusan Pakatan Rakyat berhubung isu air di Selangor di sambung pula oleh Ahli Parlimen Klang dari DAP, Charles Santiago.  
Beliau berkata kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri bahawa catuan air tidak perlu dalam masa terdekat menunjukkan Selangor tidak mengalami krisis bekalan air sekaligus menafikan keperluan pembinaan Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2.

Kenyataan Tan Sri Muyiddin Yasin sama sekali tidak bercanggah dengan kenyataan Menteri TTHA, Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui sebelumna yang mengatakan krisis air akan berlaku pada tahun 2014.

Perlu diketahui bahawa kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat  Selangor yang sehingga kini enggan memberi kelulusan 'development order' bagi Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 supaya projek itu dapat disiapkan pada tahun 2014.

Untuk menyelamatkan keadaan, kerajaan pusat meluluskan peruntukan RM606 seperti yang telah diterangkan di atas.

Mungkin wakil rakyat DAP itu tidak membaca atau cuba menafikan kenyataan SPAN bahawa walaupun bekalan air di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya keseluruhannya masih terkawal, terdapat beberapa kawasan dikenal pasti sering mengalami gangguan bekalan air.

Ini kerana rizab simpanan air yang sangat rendah iaitu purata 2.5 peratus sahaja berbanding paras optimum sebanyak 10 peratus.

Atas pandangan ini, maka Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet Mengenai Isu-Isu Bekalan Air Selangor telah memutuskan catuan air tidak perlu buat masa ini kerana bekalan air di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya adalah mencukupi.

Bagaimanapun kerajaan meminta SPAN mengenal pasti kawasan yang kerap menghadapi gangguan bekalan air dan menyediakan pelan kontingensi sebagai persediaan menghadapi catuan.

Jika perlu, SPAN harus berbincang dengan Syabas dan kerajaan negeri Selangor bagi memastikan pengguna di kawasan terbabit mendapat maklumat yang jelas mengenai sebarang catuan air di masa hadapan.

Tidak cukup dengan dakwaan menyeleweng itu, Charles bermain dengan kata-kata bahawa jika tidak perlu catuan air, maka tidak adalah masalah air.

Jika tidak ada masalah air, mengapa pula kerajaan pusat mahu membina Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2?

Ini yang dikatakan logik songsang puak pembangkang.

Tidak mengenakan catuan air buat masa sekarang tidak bermakna masalah air tidak akan wujud pada masa akan datang.

Berlainan dengan mentaliti pembangkang yang mempunyai akal pendek dan fikiran cetek, kerajaan pusat telah melakukan kajian terperinci sejak tahun 2000 lagi mengenai Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 yang dirancang untuk memenuhi permintaan bekalan air pada tahun 2014.

Hasil kajian ini telah diperakui oleh SPAN yang juga menjangka jumlah bekalan air dalam sistem bekalan air sedia ada tidak mencukupi untuk memenuhi permintaan pada tahun 2014.

Malah SPAN juga mengunjurkan bekalan air yang dikeluarkan oleh 34 loji rawatan air di Selangor hanya dapat memenuhi permintaan air sehingga penghujung tahun 2012 sahaja!

Oleh itu, amat penting Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 dibina sekarang bagi mengelakkan sebarabg krisis air menjelang, bak kata pepatah sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

Charles juga menunjukkan kebodohannya dengan mendakwa desakan membina Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 adalah untuk memberi kontrak pembinaan lumayan kepada kroni Umno-BN.

Telah diumum serta ditegaskan oleh kerajaan pusat Projek Loji Rawatan Air Langat 2 akan cdilaksanakan secara tender terbuka kepada semua syarikat yang berkelayakan, malah anak syarikat kerajaan negeri Selangor juga dijemput menyertai proses tender.

Jadi jelas wakil rakyat DAP itu mereka-reka cerita untuk menutup kegagalan pembangkang menyelesaikan masalah bekalan air di Selangor.

Selepas Dr Xavier, Exco Kebajikan, Hal Ehwal Wanita, Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi Selangor, Rodziah Ismail pula bercakap tanpa mengguna otak.

Beliau mendakwa kerajaan negeri mahu ambil alih operasi Syabas kerana ia tidak mampu urus bekalan air tetapi usaha ini dihalang oleh kerajaan pusat.

Pembangkang cakap sembrono tanpa berlapikkan fakta yang tepat.

Ini kerana kerajaan pusat meluluskan permohonan kerajaan negeri Selangor atas tiga sebab:

1. kes yang difailkan oleh Syabas sejak tahun 2009 untuk menuntut pampasan berhubung keengganan kerajaan negeri menaikkan tarif air di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya masih belum selesai di mahkamah.

2. Syabas dan kerajaan negeri Selangor didapati melakukan keingkaran manakala tuduhan kerajaan negeri atas keingkaran yang dilakukan oleh Syabas tidak cukup kukuh sebagai alasan untuk  mengambil alih operasi syarikat itu di bawah Klausa 32 Perjanjian Konsesi.

Mutakhir, Menteri Besar, Abdul Khalid Ibrahim membuat kenyataan pada 26 Julai lalu yang dilapor oleh akhbar The Star bahawa kapasiti pengeluaran air di 34 loji rawatan air di Selangor pada masa ini adalah 4,807 juta liter sehari berbanding kemampuan agihan Syabas sebanyak 4,371 juta liter sehari.

Ini pun satu penipuan oleh Bapak Penipu di Selangor.

Berdasarkan maklumat SPAN, 34 buah loji rawatan air di Selangor direka bentuk untuk menghasilkan 4,581 juta liter sehari.

Oleh sebab kekangan dalam sistem pengeluaran beberapa loji dan sistem pengagihan pada masa ini, kapasiti air yang dapat diagihkan kepada pengguna hanya sebanyak 4,371 juta lkiter sehari sahaja.

Apabila projek Mitigasi 1 dan 2 berharga RM606 juta yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan pusat siap kelak, barulah pengeluaran air dapat ditingkatkan kepada paras optima 4,581 juta liter sehari.

Jumlah kapasiti pengeluaran yang disebut oleh Khalid sebanyak 4,807 juta liter sehari sebenarnya adalah jumlah kapasiti reka bentuk loji serta mengambil kira kapasiti lebihan yang dihasilkan oleh 5 loji yang sedang dioperasikan melebihi tahap reka bentuk iaitu Loji Rawatan Air (LRA) Sungai Selangor 2, LRA Sungai Semenyih, LRA Sungai Langat, LRA Sungai Batu dan LRA Bukit Tampoi.

Buat masa ini kapasiti yang relevan dalam pengagihan bekalan air kepada pengguna ialah 4,371 juta liter sehari. Inilah keperluan sebenar pengguna.

Angka kapasiti reka bentuk iaitu 4,581 juta liter sehari atau kapasiti pengeluaran loji sebanyak 4,807 juta liter sehari yang dipetik oleh Menteri Besar, tidak mencerminkan jumlah bekalan air sebenar yang boleh diagihkan kepada pengguna.

Ia juga memberi gambaran salah tentang kadar rizab simpanan bekalan air di Selangor pada ketika ini.

Menyelewengkan fakta untuk mengaburi mata rakyat akan menyebabkan perancangan bekalan air menjadi pincang dan seterusnya menyebabkan pengguna air di Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya menghadapi risiko krisis air pada masa hadapan.

Tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran Pakatan Rakyat Selangor untuk melaksanakan sebarang projek mitigasi untuk meningkatkan kapasiti loji rawatan air sedia ada seperti yang didakwa oleh Khalid dan barisan Exconya.

Walaupun hakikatnya 33 daripada 34 buah loji tersebut adalah aset milik kerajaan negeri, Pakatan Rakyat Selangor lebih banyak menggunakan masa mereka untuk berbohong kepada rakyat sementara masa depan bekalan air negeri itu berada di hujung tanduk.

Sumber: Sahabat Gunung




USE IT WISELY .. (third right) Junaidi presenting the 1Malaysia laptop to one of the recipients while looked on by Noraizee (on Junaidi's left) with Rahman and Drahman at the ceremony yesterday
The internet service and coverage in the entire area of the Santubong Parliamentary Constituency is expected to achieve the 100 per cent mark by the end of the year 2013.

Member of Parliament for Santubong Datuk Dr Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar disclosing   this latest development added that he is very optimistic that target could be achieved as the present internet coverage in his Parliamentary constituency is at about 90 per cent.

“Currently, there are only two more areas located in the rural areas in Santubong; Teluk Serabang and Teluk Melano which have not yet reached out by the internet coverage or reception however, I have very high hopes that these problems could be solved real soon before the end of next year.”

Junaidi who is also the Deputy Speaker of Parliament disclosed that he had written a letter concerning the related matters early this year to the relevant ministry in which, he had proposed for the erection of several telecommunication towers not only for that two respective areas but also those areas with poor internet reception.

He was met by reporters after the presentation of the units of 1Malaysia laptops to the community leaders from the Pantai Damai area which was held at the Yayasan Sarawak at Jalan Sultan Tengah near the city here yesterday afternoon.

Earlier in his opening speech, Junaidi reminded the laptop recipients to “brush-off the old taboo” of the internet gadgets and technologies are strictly just for the young generations as “it is a bit too late” for the older generation to learn of this so-call new IT knowledge.

“We must brush-off this sort of mind-set as nowadays, such perception is no longer relevant compared to the early 90’s when the computers was firstly introduced and used widely and today, computers and internet are just mere tools to make our job easier, therefor, young or old, should not give away the advantage of learning it.”

Junaidi explained that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government, particularly under the leadership of Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak realises on the importance of IT knowledge regardless whether they are old or young, rich or poor that every Malaysian should be given an opportunity to equip themselves with IT knowledge.

“This is actually one of the main objective of the distribution of the 1Malaysia laptop to the people by the BN government so that all Malaysian either those living in the city or urban and even in rural areas not to be left out of the IT development,” he added.

“The people must realise and understand on the motive of why the government had taken serious concern to emphasize the IT knowledge as it is only for one simple reason, which is for the people themselves as we stride forward to achieve the status of a developed and high income country.”

“Therefore, I sincerely urged to the people to continue to give their fullest cooperation and solid support to the presence BN government to materialise this vision,” said Junaidi.

Also present at the ceremony were Pantai Damai Assemblyman Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Pantai Damai Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy chief Drahman Jeladin Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) , Sarawak Region Assistant Director Noraizee Indris and other distinguished guests.


Saturday 28 July 2012



The Miri City Council (MCC) Mayor Lawrence Lai, who received a death threat on last Tuesday, reiterated that in his course of discharging his official duties, he cannot favour anyone just to please a few groups of people.

He said all decisions made by him, his councillors and staff of MCC are for the interest of the public so that the tax payers’ money are fully utilised.

“In discharging our duties, we take public interest into account and in doing so we like to be popular but there will be certain groups or affected parties who would not be happy.

“When we do the roadside enforcement, the hawkers will not be happy, but we have to take road and public safety into account,” he said referring to the death threat and the police report he made.

He said the death threat published on the front page of the Borneo Post on Friday, was an attempt to prevent him from discharging his public duties effectively. Besides, the council had revoked seven licences this year, in its effort to upgrade the council’s services.

Lai told the full council meeting yesterday that he made the police report for his safety and of his family, whom he said was very worried.

He also disclosed that apart from himself, several of the councillors following him for the site visits and also enforcement officers had received threatening calls from the affected groups.

“Thus if anybody or any party is not happy, our door is open and we have not prevented anyone from coming including opposing group because the council serves everybody here. When we were sworn in that was what we pledged to do,” he stressed.

Lai was very happy as despite of all these threats, the councillors and his staff had continued to discharge their duties effectively. He assured the people of Miri they are united and will carry their work without fear or favour.

“We as councillors are doing national service, we are only paid meeting allowance of RM50 per meeting and up to RM350 per month, and as all of them are successful professionals and businessmen and ladies, and they don’t just get RM50, but more from their work.”

Earlier, the deputy mayor Mohd Che Kadir, on behalf of the staff and councillors reaffirmed their full support to the city mayor in discharging their official duties.

“It is really sad to see the front page news this morning and I couldn’t believe it and be assured mayor, the 26 councillors are solidly behind you.

“If it is against the policy of the council we formulated and vetted then we have to be very firm about it and there is no wavering. Once we have made our decision, we stick to our decision and proceed on with it,” he stressed.

Mohd Che added the council’s policies are the decisions of the full council and thus they would not budge from it, adding the freeze on the issuance of licences for reflexology would remain.

Source: The Borneo Post




As the world began to realize and mocking the terror of Zionist regime, some somehow tries to divert the attention and raises questions on Islamic government, Saudi Arabia.

The side that we are talking about here is not from the West, but a pro-PKR writer, hence, strengthening rakyat's perception that PKR is truly Zionist's agent for the South East Asian region.

The writer is of course none other than Hishamuddin Rais.

In KeAdilandaily, Hishamuddin wrote in an article entitled 'Saudi Arabia and Israel Zionist' where he insulted the people of Saudi by saying that they had acted immorally and turned violent against foreigners including raping and bashing female workers from Philippines and Indonesia.

Few of his article mentioned:

"To me, Saudi Arabia is just a scam for all Muslims around the world."

"History showed that Saudi Arabia was formed from the planning of Anglo-Saxon imperial power right after the first World War.
"This Arab peninsular, just like the Gulf countries, was led by various tribal leaders."

"Clashes between tribes often happen. So that is when T.E Lawrence, an agent from Britain who plans to bring down the imperial power of Ottoman which stands in Istanbul decided to come."

By providing support to tribe leader, Abdul Aziz al- Saud, the strength of Ottoman government in the southern region - Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Iraq - turned weak.

On October 29, 1923, Turkey turned to a Republic.

Officially, the power of Ottoman government was wiped out on March 3, 1924.

Finally in 1932, the country known as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was formed.

T.E Lawrence, a British agent, who also practiced homosexuality had played a huge role in forming Saudi Arabia.

The question is, why would Hishamudin Rais or PKR insulted and mocked Saudi government as such ???

Does PKR want to trigger doubt, prejudice and hate towards the government of Saudi Arabia among Muslim around the world ???

Does he want to see Saudi to be in chaos ???

Modern Saudi was formed in 1932.

The history behind it showed the invasion of Nejd and Hejaz by Abdul Aziz bin Saud in 1902, a failed revolution in 1916, and mass murder of badwi wahabbi soldiers in 1930 in Sabilla when they did not agree with King Abdul Aziz who did not want to be in war and to invade Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait.

Since then, Saudi's politics are always unstable due to internal crisis between Royals, army and Islamic extremists.

But, it was a blessing for Muslims all over the world when Saudi government reached peace and that they managed to keep developing to make it possible for people to go to Mecca without getting any threats.

Digging back history just to mock the Saudi government is a stupid thing to do, especially when it is done by a foreigner, not people of Saudi.

That is why, it is not wrong for us to think that Hishamuddin Rais and PKR is carrying Zionist agenda to trigger hate towards the country that is rich with oil and holds the house of Allah.

This may be a desperate move for Hishamuddin to retain the good image of Anwar Ibrahim as a fighter for Islam and not a Zionist agent, and it was done by linking the Saudi government with Zionist.

Too bad, such statements are just too overrated.

Or perhaps his intention as to trigger tension between Malaysia-Saudi.

If that is his intention, he should know that PKR can never be the government, and that is why he did not even care to keep diplomatic relationship with foreign nations clean.

Whatever it is, Anwar Ibrahim need to explain various matters to Muslims all around the world especially to the people of Saudi Arabia about what his 'slave', Hishamuddin Rais had written.

The article should not be mentioned as Hishamuddin's personal opinion because it was printed and published within PKR.

Especially when PKR's involvement with Zionism can be seen through Anwar Ibrahim's close relationship with Zionism leaders.

The apology tour case, for example, showed that Anwar had to beg for forgiveness from Zionist leaders when he 'accidentally' criticized their intrusion towards Palestine, had opened the eyes of many.

We are well aware of Zionist's strategy in taking over the world, divide and rule.

People in nations would be separated to tribes, races and religions with their agents moving each of these groups, these agents would then begin to accuse the government, which then would lead to people going against the government.

For such a long time, Zionists have managed to use their puppets in few countries with this strategy.

Countries which became their target are usually countries with rich natural resources such as oil, or logistics in forms of space and sea for their trading interest.

Besides that, even countries without natural resources would still become their victims because Zionists target all countries around the world to be controlled by them.

This is not about being paranoid or having such high imagination but it is fact which had been revealed by few CIA agents.

Thus, with the article written by Hishamuddin Rais, it seems that PKR was given the responsibility by Zionist to break Malaysians, and to trigger hate towards the country which becomes the 'kiblat' for Muslims around the world.

What's important is that we should not let Zionist agents such as PKR contaminate the Holy Land by triggering riot there.

Peace in the Holy Land should be kept at any cost, that is the promise made by Saudi Arabian government so that all Muslims around the world would be able to perform Haj each year.

One question which comes from all this is that what does PAS think about this ???

Do they want to see the Holy Land turn to Tahrir Square like how they have hoped for all these while ???

Source: Info 4 The Truth


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